February 2023 Newsletter

Mayor’s Message

Firstly, on behalf of my fellow councillors as well as all staff with the Town of Gambo, we would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year. We hope that 2023 fills you with joy and prosperity in all parts of your everyday lives.

I would like to welcome our new Recreation Director/Economic Development Officer, Melanie Cardinal to our team here at the Town of Gambo. Melanie has been a great volunteer with the Recreation Committee over the years. All the very best to her as she moves forward in this position. We wish our Director currently on leave, Amy Tiller the very best in her new employment opportunity.

I would like to thank all of the volunteers from the various committees within the community. They all play an instrumental role in providing programming in many different areas for the residents of our town. We are truly blessed to have so many dedicated community members that go above and beyond for the betterment of those around them.

Lastly, if there are any community members who wish to get in contact with me, you can do so by calling the office and I will get back to you as quickly as possible. You can call the Town of Gambo at 674-4476. I can be reached at extension 203.

Budget Overview

At a Regular Meeting of Council held on December 20th, 2022, your Town Council delivered and approved a balanced budget for the upcoming 2023 fiscal year in the amount of $1,975,934. This budget presented many challenges due to the increased operational costs for the Town. The following are some of the details highlighted within the budget:

- No increase in the residential mil rate which remains at 7.2 mils;

- No increase in the commercial mil rate which remains at 8.5 mils;

- No increase in the business tax structure;

- No increase in the water and sewer tax;

- Recreation Committee budget is $10,775;

-Age Friendly Committee budget is $1,700;

-SEDCOR’s budget is $13,450;

-Fire Department budget is $42,300;

-2023 loan payments for Pine Tree Rd, paving project total $33,390;

-2023 loan payments for 3 lift station upgrades totals $6,805;

-2023 loan payments for Water Intake Extension project totals $5,061;

-Property assessment from the Municipal Assessment Agency budgeted at $30,472;

-PMA lift station inspections budgeted at $12,000;

-General liability insurance will cost $91,194;

-A waste management fee of $60/household introduced to cover increased tipping fees which rose  from $136.00 to $140.00;

-Voyent Alert communications system for residents budgeted at $3,000;

-Area street lighting budget is $56,000.

Municipal Assessment Agency—2023 Assessment Roll

The Municipal Assessment Agency completed the valuation for the 2023 tax year on May 19th, 2022. The assessed values are based on the market value as of January 1, 2022, as required by the Assessment Act, 2006.


This year, the average provincial residential rate increased by 4.99%. In comparison, the average residential rate within the Town of Gambo increased by 5.37%.


Ratepayers received their assessment notices on June 1, 2022 and had until July 31, 2022 to file a formal appeal. The Municipal Assessment Agency can be contacted via the information provided on all residents’ assessment notices.


Tax Collection

In order for the Town of Gambo to conduct normal operations and provide an adequate level of service, all property and business owners are required to pay taxes in a timely manner.


All taxes for 2022 and prior are past due and payment is required. Payments can be made by the following options:

- Cash, cheque, Visa, or Mastercard at the Town Office;

- Post-dated cheques;

- Credit or debit card via telephone by calling 674-4476;

- Email at municipalpayments@townofgambo.com;

- Online pre-authorized payments through Venture Credit Union.


Any accounts with outstanding balances from 2022 and prior received a 10% interest charge effective January 9th, 2023.

Council would like to thank all residents who keep their account in good standing.


Capital Works

Council is pleased to announce the following approved projects:

1. Lift Station Upgrades

    This project consists of the retrofit of 3 sewage stations in the Town of Gambo.

    The scope of the project includes the replacement of pumps, controls, electrical

    service, and all other internal components of the lift stations on Pinetree Road,

    Ward’s Lane and Marine Drive. The project aims to replace ageing infrastructure

    and provide a reliable, sanitary sewer system. Total funding for this project is



2. Pinetree Road Paving Upgrades

    The scope of this project includes paving and sidewalk construction from the

    intersection of Crosses Road to the beginning of Park Road. The total funding

    for this project is $1,524,712.00


3. Sewer Outfall Extension Project

    This project includes extensions to the outfall at the Gambo South Treatment

    Plant as well as various upgrades to the Middle Brook Treatment Plant. The

    total funding for this project is $662,661.00.

 4. Extension to Water Intake at Dark Cove Pond

                 This project will help alleviate frazzled ice from blocking the intake during the

                 winter months. It will also help when water levels are low during the summer.

                Total funding for this project is $126,563.00.


Sports and Recreation

In January 2023, at the General Meeting, the Gambo Sports and Recreation Committee elected their executives. They are as follows:


Chair: Lloyd Paul

Vice Chair: Greg Stratton

Secretary: Jodi Keats

Treasurer: Amy Tiller


A new inclusion spinner was installed at the Fun N’ Sun to make play more accessible for children with disabilities. There is new fencing and backstop fencing on the softball field. There was also a new gate installed at the Track and Field.


Programs have restarted in the New Year. There is PN Unplugged after school on Mondays for grades 4-6 and after supper on Wednesdays and Thursdays for grades K-3. A soccer program has started up on Tuesday nights, and there is a walking group two days a week at the Lions Club. There will be an upcoming paint night in March.


The rink is now available for public use. Thank you to all volunteers who helped make this possible. The committee kindly asks residents to keep up to date on the Gambo Sports and Recreation Facebook page to know when the rink is safe and when it isn’t. Thank you to all residents that have been using the garbage bins at the rink. It is greatly appreciated.


Heritage Committee

The Heritage Committee has some interesting plans for the coming year. We continue to compile articles and artifacts on our history of Gambo. A new web site is being considered to display our findings to date. We hope to pursue a grant to get the site up  and running.


There are plans to upgrade the Murphy Hotel Mural at the Loggers Memorial as well as the logging camp exhibit behind the mural. The trail to the logging camp will be resurfaced and the exhibits rearranged for proper display. Plans are being considered for more exhibits.


Watch for the new mural to be placed on the Walsh House. The mural is here and will be installed as soon as weather permits.


Heritage talks are being planned at the school. There are copies of the Gambo history book Where Once They Stood available for $10.00 per copy from any committee member and at the Chestnut Café.


Trail Committee

The Trail Committee has been very busy again this year with improvement to all trails. The Middle Brook Trail has had two major bridges replaced as well as repairs to the bridge over the swimming pool. Several new culverts were installed and ditching was done to in areas previously prone to flooding. Brush was also  cut along the lower section of Madeline’s Trail.

 Upper Gambo River Trail had new culverts and topping put on the trail. In addition story boards were added to the trail. The Trail Committee had a company that specialize in walking trails. (Grand Concourse Authority) come out from St. John’s and inspect the Middle Brook Trail. As a result the trail committee over the winter will work on doing up a 5 year plan for Middle Brook Trail for presentation to council. The plan will be implemented when funding is available each year.

 Again this year The Trail Committee (namely Arnold Beck) put Christmas lights on the bridge by the pool and this year added Christmas lights to the Murphy Hotel Mural. Next year we will wait and see.

 The Community Gardens also fall under the Trail Committee. Three additional Garden boxes were added this year and 4 new Compost Bins were added. The building and maintenance of the garden boxes are all done by Arnold Beck. The people who had the garden boxes had a very good year. These boxes are available to any resident free of charge, simply contact a member of the Trail committee to get your name put on the list. The Community Garden area had brush cutting done this fall to cut back the overgrowth around the garden boxes.

 Hopefully we will see a lot of you on our trails this  summer.


Tourism Committee

The former tourism committee was disbanded and a meeting was held January 30 with Sherry Parsons and Marguerite Curtis, temporary co-chairs until a chairperson can be found, to set up a new Tourism Committee. Both Sherry and Marguerite stated that there are former members ready to return and get going. The proposed plan for the Theatre was not to have a dinner, but a show between 7-9 pm where tea/coffee and dessert would be served. The bar will remain open.


Instead of a play there would be a series of skits dealing with the heritage of Gambo. They are in the process of collecting stories about the things that happened in the past. Many of them are very amusing. This will be similar to the old fashion concerts we had years ago. 


Please contact Sherry Parson at sherryparson65@yahoo.ca or Marguerite Curtis at mbcurtis1@hotmail.com if you have any stories or some incident that happened to pass on about something that happened in the past. Sherry and Marguerite will combine them into skits.


Fire Department

The Gambo Fire Department has been actively engaged in many training and fire rescue initiatives over the past several months. For anyone who would like to know more about these events, please follow our Gambo Fire Department Page on Facebook.


The volunteer Fire Department is now staffed with an incredible 32 members! Special thanks to all those from the community that have put their name forward to become a member. 

In the near future, the Department will be looking at some fundraising initiatives for a new pickup. Keep an eye out for these opportunities when they arise. For more information, contact a member of the Fire Department.


We would like to wish Duane Paul all the best in his retirement from the Fire Department. Duane served for more than 26 years with us. An amazing feat.


Age Friendly

The Age Friendly Committee is now hosting a weekly Craft Club from 1-3pm at the GCYC. This is open to anyone 55 and over. Bring your own project or come and browse our selection of free projects. Snacks and beverages included.


Follow us on Facebook, Gambo Age Friendly, to keep up to date on upcoming events.


Collective Bargaining

The local CUPE contract expired as of December 31st, 2022. Negotiations with the union will go forward in the near future. Updates will be provided once the collective bargaining process is completed.


Keeping Our Community Safe and Prepared

Council has been exploring opportunities to help improve communication between residents and the Town. There are several options being evaluated. Each of them will be reviewed in the near future. Once all options have been evaluated, further information will follow regarding the decision of the council.


Smallwood Days Festival 2023

Plans for the upcoming festival have begun. If you are interested in being a part of the Festival Committee, please contact the Town Office at 674-4476.


Ways to Stay Up To Date

1. The Town of Gambo website at www.townofgambo.com. Note, the website is currently

    under construction. We hope to have this resolved in the near future.

2. Join both the Town of Gambo and the Gambo-Your Town Facebook pages for Town

    updates and information on happenings around the community.

3. Your Local Cable Channel (Eastlink subscribers only).

4. Notices from the Town will be distributed to local businesses throughout

    the community.





























Hide yourself in God, so when a man wants to find you he will have to go there first.

Janitorial Services

Janitorial Services

R.J. Gullon

February 2023 Newsletter


2023 Council Meetings Schedule


December 22, 2022

2023 Tax Rate Structure

2023 Tax Rate Structure for the Town of Gambo




Test News Announcement

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lorem ex, maximus a dui ac, tempor ullamcorper enim. Donec lobortis purus vitae metus accumsan mattis.

Bernie Koelpin



Test News Announcement 02

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lorem ex, maximus a dui ac, tempor ullamcorper enim. Donec lobortis purus vitae metus accumsan mattis.

R.J. Gullon